Leap Year - C (may/may not recommend... may/may not watch again)
I have to admit that I am normally a sucker for anything that includes Amy Adams, and this still fits into that category to some degree. The movie centers around an oh-so 'modern' woman trying to make up for a clueless guy by turning the tables of engagement around on him. He's clearly stringing her on and she isn't bright enough to catch on. Like any romantic comedy, the story doesn't go as she'd expect it (though you see it all coming a mile away), and Anna (Adams) finds herself with a stubborn, love scorned barkeep and adventures ensue. I won't spoil anything, but come on... it's about as predictable as my choice every time I go to Chili's (Chicken Fajitas. 8 Years Running.)
Things I like about it: Ireland. Irish Accents. Amy Adams.
Things I didn't like about it: The relationship she has with her fiance is contrived. I know it's to set up your hopes for the new guy, but this one frustrated me. It's predictable. Sometimes changing a story arc or the way you go about telling a story is a good thing, NOT in a romantic comedy, it simply doesn't work.
Story - 5.5
Comedy/Tragedy - 5.5
Characters - 3
Believability - 2.5
Filmmaking - 3
Filmmaking - 3
Sheer Enjoyment - 5.5
Leap Year = 2.5 out of 5 Yukes
When In Rome - C (may/may not recommend... may/may not watch again)
I don't remember much of this. I didn't like it much. I actually like Josh Duhamel as a leading guy, but I don't know if Kristen Bell has enough draw to be considered for a leading role. It does get bonus points for being set in Europe, deal with it. That's all I have.
Story - 6
Comedy/Tragedy - 4.5
Characters - 3
Believability - 2.5
Filmmaking - 3
Filmmaking - 3
Sheer Enjoyment - 4.5
When in Rome = 2.35 out of 5 Yukes
Until next time, you just got yuked...
(editor's note - most romantic comedies fit into category C because of their date movie possibilities)
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